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This is me.
I grew up a mile down a dirt road across the street from the lake. I was a short, chubby, brown girl living amongst a sea of white faces in Maine. I spent my summers swimming, riding bikes and playing in the woods with friends. I can still feel the globs of frog eggs in my hands. In the winter we ice skated and played in the snow until our clothes were soaked through and our toes were numb. I loved modeling, writing songs, drawing and acting, despite my family not valuing those same attributes. Even though I suddenly sprouted, slimmed down and become athletic the summer before entering high school, I struggled with my weight until I was thirty years old.
Growing up, I received messages from my family, community and society at large that who I was wasn't good enough. So, I ignored the voice inside me that knew exactly who I was and all that I was capable of, in order to make others around me feel more comfortable. I wanted to feel loved and accepted more than anything. I had moments of rebellion but eventually got tired and pushed aside my hopes and dreams to focus on doing what I was supposed to do; get a 9-5, get married and have kids. Well, I did that and I was miserable. I just kept thinking: "there has to be more to life than this."
I want to tell you that it was easy getting from that old version of me to this new more authentic version... but it wasn't. There have been a lot of ups and downs and it's taken me nearly ten years to create this more energized, purposeful and confident version of myself. And friend, I am still a work in progress! The truth is that the feeling you're looking for is in the process. It's in the choices you make on a daily basis- they either diminish you or empower you. If you want to do, be, and ultimately live better, then you need to acquire new habits and skills. My commitment to these ideals of personal growth is what has led me to where I am today. I'm more joyful, confident, self aware and hopeful than I ever thought possible.
If you're feeling disconnected or unsatisfied with your life, you're not alone. I was there and there are so many others right there with you now. I'm here to tell you that it's not too late to reconnect with yourself and choose to pursue those dreams that you buried down deep. You weren't born to blend in and go through the motions of life. You weren't born to make sure everyone around you thrives while you stay stagnant. You were born to live as the fullest expression of yourself and share your unique set of gifts and talents with those around you. YOU have a purpose. You're allowed to want more. You're allowed to have and be anything you can dream of!
Using my program MOVE.CONNECT.LEARN.™, I'll show you how when you focus on your mental, physical and spiritual health you will build the mindset and habits necessary to unlock all of your potential. Click the link below to find out how you can start building a life you love!
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