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Kellie's Free Tools

My free tools will help you and/or your organization thrive. Whether it's health and wellness or more equity and inclusion you're seeking, I've got you covered. In fact, I believe there's a direct correlation between individual mental, physical, spiritual health and community culture- so, why not give all of my tools a try?

Full Body Workout

Here is a full body workout to help you build strength, stability and endurance.

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One of the most powerful tools we can have is emotional intelligence. I've created this workbook to help you understand and regulate your emotions.

Meal Plan

Here are some of my go to meals that are simple, macro friendly and nutrient dense. Good nutrition is the foundation for mental and physical health.

Addressing Degrading Language

Don't know what to say? Here are 6 ways that you can address degrading or bias language. 

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For inspiration, wellness tips and to be in the know for live events, click below!

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